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Mother Daughter Portrait

Maternity DNA Test

To confirm the mother of a baby or child—for immigration, adoption, and more.

What is maternity DNA testing?

Maternity DNA testing determines whether the woman tested is the biological mother of the child tested. It works like a DNA paternity test, except this analysis compares a child’s DNA profile with their mother’s. Even if the father is not tested, DDC can prove conclusively whether the child’s DNA matches the mother.

Maternity DNA Test

Still not sure which test is right for you? Contact our experts today for a free consultation.

 CALL NOW: (678)999-1055 

Most Common Reasons to take a Maternity DNA Test


Not sure when you would need a maternity test? There are several common reasons women choose to test maternity, including proof of maternity for immigration, to prove a relationship between an adoptee and a biological mother, and more.


  • Proving a maternal relationship for immigration

  • Resolving controversy that sometimes occurs in hospital nurseries

  • Life-long peace of mind after returning home from the hospital

  • Proving an adoptee’s relationship to a possible biological mother

  • Confirming accuracy in cases of in-vitro fertilization

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