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Pregnant Belly
Peekaboo Test

Is it a boy or girl? Find out your baby’s gender
as early as 6 weeks with this early gender test.

Trusted, DNA testing backed by years of science.

Maternity DNA testing determines whether the woman tested is the biological mother of the child tested. It works like a DNA paternity test, except this analysis compares a child’s DNA profile with their mother’s. Even if the father is not tested, KINNECT LLC can prove conclusively whether the child’s DNA matches the mother.

Peekaboo Test

Still not sure which test is right for you? Contact our experts today for a free consultation.

 CALL NOW: (678)999-1055 

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Meet Peekaboo Click: The simple, fingerstick-free way to discover your baby’s gender early.


Compact and easy to use, this innovative little blood draw device automatically collects blood from your upper arm—no finger prick, no mess, and virtually pain-free. Meet the easiest Peekaboo gender test ever.


Just click, collect, and celebrate!


  • Virtually Pain-Free

  • Fast Collection with No Mess (usually less than 5 minutes)

  • Low Risk of Male DNA Contamination

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