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Sibling DNA Test
To determine a biological sibling or half-sibling relationship.
What is sibling DNA testing?
Do you want to know if you and your sibling share the same father? Not sure if your children are from the same man? Or do you want to confirm a possible relationship discovered through ancestry testing? There are many reasons for doing a DNA siblingship test and KINNECT LLC offers the latest technology and accurate testing to resolve questions about biological-sibling relationships.

Still not sure which test is right for you? Contact our experts today for a free consultation.
CALL NOW: (678)999-1055
Reasons to get a Sibling DNA Test
The most common reason for taking a sibling DNA test is to confirm the truth about whether you and your sibling share the same father. Other reasons to take the test are:
Medical history
Social Security benefits
Inheritance claims
Immigration cases
Insurance claims
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